Agent: Sophie Hicks

Rohan is an author who grew up in a multicultural family, listening to stories told by his mother, children’s writer Jamila Gavin. He was an English scholar at Exeter College, Oxford, then attended the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, where he began his career as a screenwriter, adapting bestselling novels like Manhattan Nocturne, and classic sci-fi The Stars My Destination and Stainless Steel Rat for 20th Century Fox, before returning to Britain to write a novel himself.

The result was acclaimed father-son detective trilogy Knightley & Son (Bloomsbury), which was one of Kirkus' Best Children’s Books of the Year, Sunday Times Book of the Week, and was described by the Daily Mail as “a young Sherlock for our times”.

Having given up hope of starting a real-life father-son detective agency, he is hard at work on a new series before his son is too old to appreciate it.

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